Patrol Division

Patrol Division

The Patrol Division, commanded by Captain Richard Wimmer, is the "backbone" and most visible division of the Columbia County Sheriff's Office. The primary responsibility of the Patrol Division is to provide 24-hour protection and law enforcement services to the citizens of and visitors to Columbia County.

The Patrol Division is comprised of 72 certified law enforcement officers and 22 school crossing guards. The Patrol Division is divided into four shifts that work 12-hour shifts, four days on, and four days off. Each shift operates with a Lieutenant that serves as the shift commander, a Staff Sergeant, a Sergeant, and 15 deputies.

Children Crossing the Street

Approximately 330 square miles of Columbia County are divided into 11 patrol beats. Deputies are assigned permanent beats, allowing each deputy to become intimately familiar with his or her patrol area. This system has proven to be both effective and efficient. Additionally, 3 Zone cars operate on each shift. These Zone cars have the flexibility to patrol anywhere in the county and direct their patrols to select areas of the county when necessary.

The dedicated men and women of the Patrol Division continually strive to improve the quality of life in Columbia County by providing the highest level of law enforcement services possible.

- Captain Richard Wimmer




Contact Us

Richard Wimmer

Richard Wimmer
Captain - Patrol Division
Phone: 706-447-7644